The Royal Group

Reusable Shipping Boxes & Expendable Packaging

Returnable Packaging Designed With the Automotive Market in Mind

Custom-designed returnable and reusable packaging and reusable shipping boxes can help create the most cost-efficient system of transporting your products. Catering specifically to the automotive industry , these solutions are becoming common in manufacturing facilities.

Custom Returnable Packaging Solutions

Offering a variety of materials, The Royal Group can quickly determine if returnable packaging is right for you, and then custom-tailor a program solution that meets all manufacturing facilities’ requirements. Especially suited for our auto industry customers, these rugged and cost-effective reusable shipping boxes and containers are an ideal method of packaging for companies that regularly deliver components to assembly facilities.

Get A Free Consultation With Us

Do you have a Returnable Packaging program for us to review?

Returnable Packaging Features

Returnable Packaging Solutions for a Variety of Uses

Through our consultative services, TRG can review your process and products and offer tamper-evident packaging solutions that will immediately alert the consumer to foul play. We’re able to provide FDA-approved plastic packaging that is sterile or static-shielding for medical device shipments. We also offer a vast array of equipment specifically designed for the medical packaging category.

Offering a Wide Variety of Materials

Totes and Dunnages

  • Offered in a variety of colors and materials

Class A surface protection

  • Spunbond
  • Brush-fab
  • Tyvek laminates

Material thicknesses

  • 2 to 10 mm

Class A & Class B surface protective packaging utilizing:

  • Crosslink
  • EPE
  • EPP
  • EPS

Material Densities

  • 1 to 10 pounds
  • Spunbond
  • Brush-fab (brush nylon)
  • Tissue-lam
  • Tyvek
  • Vinyl
  • Autoguard and softshield comparables

TRG hand-assembles fabric dunnages and bag systems into a variety of outer containers.

  • Export packs
  • Service / dealer packs
  • Returnable back-up packs

Offered in a variety of materials and board grades. Let us provide solutions for your corrugated packaging needs!

  • WIP carts
  • Flow racks
  • Tables
  • Part racks

We’ll work with you to plan and build an organized, efficient, ergonomic and profitable working environment.

Container Management Solutions

Our goal is to make managing your packaging program simple with reusable shipping boxes. As your partner, we can offer container management services to provide solutions for:

Returnable Tote Rent-to-Own Programs

Allow you to close the barrier between capital expense approval and having the packaging you need to protect your goods and your cash flow.

Tote Return Programs

Allow you to be credited for viable totes that are obsolete to your system, but still usable for other clients, saving you money on your packaging program.